Our Guides

  • Mike Oberle (Owner/Guide)

    My obsession with hunting started in an old school bus converted into a camper that was parked alongside of the road in Clark county Wisconsin! Family and friends filled this bus!! I can still remember the smell of the bus by day 3 or 4! Woof! Grown men and chili!! Looking back at beginning of my hunting career I would love to go back to when I shot my first deer at 12 years old or when I got the nickname "Bambo" from my cousin Danny at 16 when I killed 3 bucks and 2 doe before 10 am on opening day of Wisconsin gun season! These are memories that never leave! Man, how it has changed from killing the first buck you see to 35 years later and chasing a particular buck because of age, the way he looks, or how long you have had him on camera! It's never about the score! It's about the pursuit of a certain deer or possibly 2 deer! Fast forward to present day! Now my passion is seeing my wife and kids be successful in the outdoors! That is just as important to me as killing a giant whitetail or bear for myself!! Be it Deer, Bear, Turkey, or Fish I will always use all of my knowledge to be as successful as I can for myself, my family, and my clients! What matters to us here at Hooks n Bone is helping you fulfill a lifelong dream or goal to harvest a trophy of a lifetime!! Our goal is for our clients to provide for their families and make memories to tell for generations!

  • Sarah Oberle (Guide)

    Although I grew up in a hunting/fishing family, I did very little hunting and fishing! My passion for the outdoors didn’t really take hold of me until the last 8-10 years. Now that our kids are older and moved on in their own lives, I’m able to spend a lot of time in the outdoors! My favorite thing to do is check trail cameras! I love the anticipation of finding a new big buck or bear, or just seeing one of our target bucks showing up in daylight! I’m not afraid to get dirty and work just as hard as the guys do! From Running bear baits in 90 degree temps to checking deer cams in 0 degree temps!

  • Josh Oberle (Guide)

    I started hunting with my Dad when I was 4 years old. Ever since those early memories, I’ve been crazy for the outdoors! From catching fish, chasing elk and everything in between, I enjoy it all! I truly enjoy chasing big whitetails the most! Especially when you finally beat a big pressured whitetail on public land! It’s the ultimate victory! You get humbled more times than not as one mistake is all it takes! Here at Hooks n Bone Outfitters, we try to eliminate all the mistakes before you get your chance at your trophy of a lifetime! Thank you and good hunting!!